AQAR 2021-22
The curriculum when framing has been outcome based. Students are informed about the evaluation pattern. Departments after discussion decide techniques of evaluation depending upon what is being evaluated and what is expected as an outcome from the course. There is a rubric to assess the course attainment. The Continous internal evaluation has a weightage of 40 % is flexible and gives freedom to the departments to use multiple tools for students assessment and evaluation. Semester end examination with a weightage of 60%. This academic year for all undergaduate programs were evaluated in an online manner and the post graduate qualifying semester was in the regular mode. Project, presentations, seminars, field report, lab work have a structured framework for evalaution. Additional credits which are reflected in the grade card are awarded to students who successfully complete online courses, value added courses. Students are encouraged to participate in co and extra curricular , extension activities and sports for which extra credits are awarded. Feedback on curriculum provides the necessary input for continuous improvement. The course attainment of all programs are calculated as per UGC norms. The analysis of the course attainments are discussed, in the examiantion committee to identify areas of improvement.