AQAR 2021-22
Institution integrates cross-cutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability, and Human Values into the curriculum
Online system of imparting information has reemphasised the need to sensitise our youth to various societal issues related to gender, professional ethics human values, concern for the well being of planet and contribution to the sustainable development goals. The cross-cutting issues are embedded in the core courses value added courses and electives. Foundation course is an interdisciplinary course which integrates environmental science, gender, climate change and human rights and is a compulsory course offered across faculty. There is a dedicated course on environmental studies. There are topics in various courses like green chemistry, waste management, environment impact analysis, phytoremediation, which address environmental issues and their mitigations. Students are encouraged to do projects on sustainability, reducing, reusing and recycling to ensure sustainable production and consumption. Business ethics, organisational behaviour addresses issues of professional ethics. Human values has been included as a component in foundation course to ensure that our learners contribute to the society by being responsible, ethical, sympathetic and empathetic human being. The course content in languages have topics related to gender, values, and environment. The co-curricular activities enrich the curriculum by addressing issues relevant to professional ethics, gender, human values, environment, sustainability